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  • Deep Overstock Issue 8

Deep Overstock Issue 8

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We first laid our foundation down with Space Exploration, just to try things out. Then we built it up issue by issue with Westerns, Horror, Dreams, Paranormal Romance, Nautical Lore, Fairy Tales Fables and Folktales. Now we're here after two years and eight issues with the Orange room and Structures. That's faster than most projects in downtown Portland get built. Fittingly, Deep Overstock is even a little more structured than it was when we first began.We had other options besides structure, e.g. COOKING: COOKBOOKS NOVELTY, COOKBOOKS HOLIDAY, COOKBOOKS CELEBRITY, MOVIES/TV: PRODUCTION BIOS, MUSIC: SONGBOOKS COUNTRY & WESTERN, SONGBOOKS MUSICALS, GARDENING: XERISCAPING, POTTED PLANTS, so many to choose from but ultimately we decided on GARDENING: STRUCTURES. Many of you asked, what on earth do you expect me to write? Am I to write blueprints for a jail? Or a how-to to a rocket launchpad? Designs for a raised rose bed? The gene sequence of a strawberry?Yet, you have sent us--ingeniously--the architecture of an apple tree, living structures, pyramids, spaceships, skyscrapers, towers, wells, domes, even structures that strangle and stretch. Overall this is one well structured issue from start to finish.What's next for Deep Overstock you ask? We've done every room you say? Not true! There is one room left before we start anew: the Green room. We're ending our first go around with a double issue: New Arrivals and Old Favorites. We Editors will pick our favorites from past issues, and you all can submit whatever never-been-submitted-before work you want--no theme required!Thank you for all of your support, submissions, questions, and everything else. Here's to another two years and another 8+ issues for the booksellers' journal.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


12,50 CHF