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Angebote / Angebote:

David Shetzline was part of the brilliant circle at Cornell University in the early 1960s which also included Thomas Pynchon and Richard Fariña. DeFord, his first novel, was published to great acclaim in 1968, but fell into obscurity after Shetzline abandoned fiction in the 1970s to raise his family. Now this lost sixties classic is available again for a new audience. DeFord, an aging carpenter and outdoorsman from the West, is felled by a heart attack on a visit to New York and finds himself trying to survive in the urban wilderness of the Bowery. As he tries to recover, he recalls the freight-train-hopping, lumberjacking, campfire days of an earlier American era, while learning how to stay alive and make new friendships in a very different present.
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16,90 CHF

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