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Derek Strong Pi

Angebote / Angebote:

Former professional football star, Blanchard(Blackie) White, business man, politician, and drug dealer disappeared. His Hospital Appliance business, the police warehouse, and the Registor's Office at the University of Saint Nicholas were fire bombed and destroyed. A drug war erupts, and and Jihadists fire bomb and demolish the First African Baptist on Memorial and terrorize Saint Colombo, killing two priests. Using infrared night vision, Dr. Al Medhi, Mullah Jesus Muhammad, and five Jihadists were followed back to the Shiite Baptist Mosque, captured, tortued to confess, executed by a firing squad, . and cremated in the ovens at Siracuza's Abattoir. Blackie was found butchered like a hog, skinned, and his entrails burned. His head, hands, and feet where buried elsewhere, and his heart and two fingers wearing a Super bowl ring were delivered by UPS to the wrong address causing catastrophic confusion and misguided police investigation. Dirk, following buzzards discovers the buried remains of Blackie and Je'sus Posadas.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


39,50 CHF

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