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Derivati da nomi geografici (M-Q)

Angebote / Angebote:

The Deonomasticon Italicum provides a systematic historical treatment of, and commentary on, the lexemes of Italian derived from proper names. It covers both derivations from geographical names (including those from ethnic roots, which are of especial interest both for the history of vocabulary and for cultural history) and from the names of persons. The first part of the Dictionary (4 volumes) is devoted to derivations from geographical names, the second (2 volumes) to the names of persons. The Deonomasticon Italicum will be published in complete volumes and no longer in the form of single fascicles. Key features: Desiderat in der Lexikographie des Italienischen Insgesamt 6 Bände (1 Band alle 3 Jahre) Breite Quellengrundlage auch zeitgenössischer Texte Indices und regelmäßig aktualisierte Bibliographie online () e online ()
Libri-Titel folgt in ca. 2 Arbeitstagen


475,00 CHF

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