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  • Discoveries Which Make Mental Therapeutics and the Transmission of Mental Communications an Exact Science

Discoveries Which Make Mental Therapeutics and the Transmission of Mental Communications an Exact Science

Angebote / Angebote:

PREFACE When writing the preface of Mental Therapeutics, or How to Cure all Diseases With the Mind, the author did not dream of the fullness of joy with which he would be filled at sight of the glorious country that would come into view as he journeyed upward. If you have climbed the beautiful mountains and felt the impulse to fly like a bird to view quickly that dreamland and ocean beyond, you will know the exultation possessing him at the sight of wonderful things he never dared to dream of. To be able to prove with so simple an instru- ment as a thermometer the laws underlying these mind cures, whether the patient is present, or absent many miles, would seem enough pleasure for one lifetime. But to have another discovery of, . such vast importance thrust upon you that your mind is in a whirl of wonderment at the possibilities contained therein would seem too good to be true. I refer to the discovery of the mental diagnosis of diseases. To surmount, by hard climbing, the great obstacle to human progress-sickness-was task enough to try the stoutest heart. The greater task of learning how to know, before it was too late, the condition of ones body, so that by the prevention of disease the cure will not be needed, was hard enough to discourage all attempts at its solution. It was discovered only by tenacity of purpose, without skill or knowledge. If you desire to possess it you will have to use the same quality. I do not believe there are any short cuts for acquiring such knowledge. I have positive proof that all brain disorders can be overcome if the parts are not entirely gone that the desire for drink can be eradicated by the destruction of the gems in the intestines and so on, with many of the desires for sin which the human mind is constantly tempted with. The great vineyard will be in the teaching of little children day after day as they journey towards mans estate. The whole solar system is thought to be moving through space in a vast sweeping curve, at the rate of thirteen miles per second. We do not know whence it came nor whither it is moving. Man was thrust out of the Garden of Eden for his disobedience. He too is traveling in a vast sweeping circle which can end only at one point. When lost individually you are always prone to circles which lead you whence you came. Already the top of the old Tree of Knowledge is coming to view. When sickness and sin have been permanently overcome, at that in- stant the old familiar Garden Gates will be reached and mans long journey completed, with the full knowledge that he has been lost and is found. The practice of the discovery which I have disclosed to the public in my work entitled Mental Therapeutics, or How to Cure All Diseases With the Mind has led to other discoveries of such far-reaching possibilities that I feel it my duty to make them public property also. Keener minds than my own may then take up the work and the world will be much benefited thereby. Why should not scientific men be willing to follow new lines of thought even when discovered primarily by an untrained mind From the further practice of the discovery described in the above mentioned work I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is a fundamental discovery, and that sometime it must be so recognized...
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