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Drop Your Pants!

Angebote / Angebote:

Discover how success happens outside the comfort zone by immersing yourself into the gripping stories of a German-born Kung-Fu master on his journey through the Cold War, Imprisonment by the East German Secret Service, surviving attempted murder and encountering mysterious doppelgängers. Read about unimaginable hardships and emotional tales: - Ultimate Betrayal and White Torture, - The Deadly Berlin Wall, - A King, The World's Most Famous Border Point and A Cold War Mystery, - One Woman's Hard Journey back to a Happy Life, - Romeo and Juliet, Secret Service Version - A Grown Man Who Cried Over a Flower. "Your past really does read like a Hollywood movie. I was blown away by the revelations in your book and how you have turned a harrowing experience into a positive life experience." ~ Donna D.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


21,90 CHF