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- Educación Cristiana Transformadora
Awilda González - Geritza Olivella Santana - Héctor F. Ortiz Vidal - Juan R. Mejías Ortiz - Juan Sebastián Rodríguez - Justo González - Nohemí Pagán - Pablo A. Jiménez - Raúl Zaldívar In a period of a health crisis, with physical, moral, spiritual, social, economic, and political implications, Christian education plays a leading role. This valuable recompilation, Transforming Christian Education, offers valuable resources for the need for an adequate integral formation. Thus, its importance lies in identifying and responding to the challenges and opportunities that postmodern society presents to believers and churches. Dr. Samuel Pagán, with the collaboration of prestigious experts in Christian education, took on the task of joining forces to present an educational program that translates the values of the Kingdom announced by Jesus amid contemporary society. Undoubtedly, this masterpiece will contribute in a positive way to the improvement and development of educational programs at the various levels of the ecclesiastical communities, from Bible schools to university programs". Therefore, each reader must analyze and put into practice each of the principles set forth with great clarity in Transforming Christian Education. Collaborators: Awilda González - Geritza Olivella Santana - Héctor F. Ortiz Vidal - Juan R. Mejías Ortiz - Juan Sebastián Rodríguez - Justo González - Nohemí Pagán - Pablo A. Jiménez - Raúl Zaldívar" />