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English Composition Teacher's Guidebook

Angebote / Angebote:

English Composition Teacher's Guidebook: How to Survive (and Even Thrive) as a Part-time or Adjunct Instructor is a practical and motivational handbook for the multitudes of itinerant English adjunct and part-time instructors who travel between multiple colleges and universities teaching English composition to students from different cultures and age groups. The book offers advice and recommendations that are geared specifically for this audience together with sufficient ready-to-use teaching material for a semester-long first-year composition course. The author uses imagined collegial conversations over coffee and hiking and coaching themes to draw lessons for teachers, beginning each chapter with a vignette based on his experiences hiking in scenic locations. The book contains materials for students that can be projected or copied as handouts, including work on sentence combining and analysis as well as topics, peer response sheets, and assessment rubrics for essay assignments. Both the hiking vignettes and classroom activities are illustrated by photographs which add to the interest and enjoyment of reading this book.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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