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- EUROVAL ¿ An European Initiative on Validation of CFD Codes
EUROVAL ¿ An European Initiative on Validation of CFD Codes
Angebote / Angebote:
Early in 1986, the Commission of the European Community observed a number of developments in world aviation, which were seen to threaten continuing success of the European aeronautic industry. In particular, a remarkable increase in research and development activities was noticed worldwide. These observations prompted the Commission to approach nine major European aircraft companies with the sug gestion that action should be taken at Community level. It was decided that all European aircraft companies should collaborate, and a consortium was established to undertake "A Joint Study of EUROpean Cooperative Measures for Aeronautical Research and Technology", abbreviated as EUROMART. Activities were directed towards European collaborative programmes on aerother modynamics, materials, acoustics, computation, airborne equipment and systems, all-electric aircraft, CAD-CAM/CIM and laminar-flow control, addressing the aircraft, engine and equipment industries. All these programmes are seen in the light of en hancing and expanding the technological capabiHties of the European Aeronautics Industry, whilst, at the same time, concentrating on key technology areas.
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