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  • Excellence and Equality: A Qualitatively Different Perspective on Gifted and Talented Education

Excellence and Equality: A Qualitatively Different Perspective on Gifted and Talented Education

Angebote / Angebote:

Fetterman focuses on what actually works in gifted and talented education programs. Complementing the psychological perspective on gifted and talented education, he adopts an anthropological point of view, using methods such as lengthy interviews with students, teachers, parents, administrators, and others involved in the school programs, daily observation, and group discussions to elicit the insider's perspective.A ground-breaking work, Fetterman's timely study provides a comparative picture of over 433 gifted and talented programs in the United States, as well as programs in other countries. The author's cross-cultural perspective points up the need for U.S. educators to shake themselves out of a national complacency about the gifted and talented and stresses the importance of comparing our own efforts with those of other nations. In the process, Fetterman proposes a model for educational excellence in terms of the mainstream U.S. educational system. The book will provide new insights for educators and policymakers working in our educational system as they strive to meet the needs of gifted and talented students.
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46,90 CHF