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Angebote / Angebote:

Holly Stringer is savvy, but will do anything to put food on the table for her young son. Divorced, she is in a desperate situation. Then the unthinkable happens, her dad has a stroke, forcing her to run his detective agency. She soon discovers this remains in the dark ages, surviving on past glories. In order to survive, she urgently needs to modernise the agency and requires a big case that pays big bucks. This duly arrives, but is she capable of solving this as the police warn her off, siting her inexperience? She discovers behind every smile lurks hidden secrets to be exposed and these facades need to be broken down. But every time she digs deeper, she is putting her own family in peril. Will her naivety in the situation win through as she unravels the truth and reveals the villains or will she succumb to the complexities that hamper her every step?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


21,90 CHF