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Faith Physics

Angebote / Angebote:

Faith Physics is a new Theory of Everything (ToE) combining ancient spiritual wisdom and modern quantum physics findings to deliver a belief system that is both intellectually sound and spiritually satisfying. It maintains an ineffable Supreme Consciousness is the catalyst of all material creation as a 'great thought' through pure white light in zero-point morphogenetic quantum fields. Faith Physics claims that consciousness is the cornerstone of base reality existing in a timeless state of now.By using the natural cause-and-effect laws of classical physics, the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, and dark matter/energy, Faith Physics posits pure consciousness manifests physical creation in a remarkable myriad of forms. In the wave/particle duality paradigm revealed by quantum mechanics, conscious observation transforms light energy into particulate physical matter as condensed or frozen light in accordance with Albert Einstein's famous E=mc2 equation.Faith Physics teaches us we exist and thrive in a unified participatory universe emanating from an eternal Supreme Consciousness source, and we are not just a product of random-chance evolution. In the 21st century, religion and science are reaching an enlightened consensus that pure metaphysical consciousness is perpetually painting a picture on the space-time continuum canvas depicting a miraculous cycle of physical creation, entropy, and cosmic rebirth.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


64,00 CHF