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- Favorable Incompetence
Favorable Incompetence
Angebote / Angebote:
Did you know the following facts?
¿ Mayor Giuliani destroyed crime scene evidence starting on the evening of 9/11, committing a major felony.
¿ The top 6 military officers responsible for the massive security failures on 9/11 all received promotions instead of courts martial.
¿ Government scientists at America's bureau of standards (NIST) committed scientific fraud and tried to sell the world on the notion that solid steel can offer zero resistance, implying that steel is unfit as a building material.
¿ The US military was running dozens of military exercises on 9/11, effectively crippling America's response capabilities.
¿ The FAA's hijack coordinator was not at his post on 9/11, but in Puerto Rico, and no one seems to know if he even had a replacement.
¿ The rules of engagement for hijacked airplanes had changed a couple of months before 9/11, creating a bottleneck at Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and that the Secretary had made himself unavailable on the morning of 9/11.
¿ The key FBI terrorism experts had been sent to the West Coast right before 9/11 for a "retreat."
¿ The CIA had warned its agents not to go to New York on 9/11.
¿ Someone had warned San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown not to fly on 9/11.
¿ A meeting had been called for the morning of 9/11 in the impact zone of the North Tower for whistleblowers to bring their incriminating evidence.
¿ Evidence of the missing $2.3 TRILLION was being held and investigated in the impact zone of the Pentagon.
¿ Backup copies of the evidence of the missing $2.3 TRILLION was held in World Trade Center 7, which was not hit by a plane, but was also destroyed on 9/11.
¿ Evidence of multi-billion dollar theft from Russia was being investigated in the same Pentagon impact zone and all of its evidence destroyed and most of the personnel investigating it killed.
Yes, 9/11 accomplished a lot of goals. Someone was very busy. But as you will see, the Official "Conspiracy Theory" is full of holes. It wasn't done by the 19 Muslim patsies.
The events of 9/11 are more relevant than ever. Why? Because people are still being killed in the name of that event. The disaster is ongoing. Isn't it time we shine a light on this raging inferno?
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