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  • Feminism: The Ugly Truth

Feminism: The Ugly Truth

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Radical feminism is a gender supremacy movement, driven by women steeped in misandry (the hatred of men). It is a highly influential ideology across most of the developed world, and increasingly the developing world, and has long been destroying pillars of civilisation, including the nuclear family. Mike Buchanan, the author of this book, is the leader of the British political party 'Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them)', the only political party in the English-speaking worls campaigning for the human rights of men and boys. In the party's 2015 general election manifesto, 20 areas were explored in which the human rights of men and boys are assaulted by the actions and inactions of the British state, usually to advantage women and girls, regardless of the consequences. There are no areas in the UK in which the human rights of women and girls (specifically) are assaulted by the state.
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