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  • Fine-Tuning of Nomic Behavior in Multiverse Scenarios

Fine-Tuning of Nomic Behavior in Multiverse Scenarios

Angebote / Angebote:

The task of this thesis will be to demonstrate that there is fine-tuning of nomic behavior for the existence of human life in the universe and, if a multiverse exists, that there is fine-tuning behind the multiverse. The fundamental constants of nature, laws of physics, and the mechanisms needed for bubble universe inflation will serve as evidence for the hypothesis that there is a fine-tuner. It is not the task of this thesis to answer the teleological question with a descriptive answer to what the purpose of life is, rather, the task at hand will be to argue that there is a purpose, which is detectable via purposive fine-tuning. There is no doubt among cosmologists and philosophers that the universe we inhabit is fine-tuned, per se. If the value of physical laws were any different then this universe could not produce observers. Fine-tuning is a metaphysically and religiously neutral term used to simply state that if the universe had been otherwise it would not harbor human life. The question is whether this fine-tuning is the result of a fine-tuner or whether it is just a semantic tool to describe the balanced values that is explained by competing non-fine-tuning hypotheses. The term design does, however, carry metaphysical and religious implication. In recent decades these metaphysical and religious implications have been under criticism and rejected by many as an acceptable explanatory hypothesis for the cosmological data. It is my contention that the finetuning of nomic behavior in multiverse scenarios is the consequence of an antecedent mind-a fine-tuner. The more information-the values of laws and constants-the more demand for an explanans. The more universes there are the more information there is. A mind is the only known explanans for the origin of information (and not merely the change of information).
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


96,00 CHF

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