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  • Free at Last? the Reality of Racism in the Church

Free at Last? the Reality of Racism in the Church

Angebote / Angebote:

The Christian community, for the most part, is too afraid or apathetic to acknowledge its infection with the deadly virus of racism. Recent research has revealed an alarming resurgence of racism in America and in the Church. The focus of this book is the discernment and removal of racism in the Bride of Christ. I have acquired extensive practical knowledge on the matter. From the time of my natural birth to the moment of my spiritual rebirth, I was held captive by the powers of racism and bigotry. Born into a system of segregation and discrimination, I lived in the valley of the disadvantaged and oppressed because of my color and ethnicity. As a child, I was taught, indoctrinated, and inculcated with the idea that I was born inferior by a biased educational system, a prejudicial political and legal system, a white-oriented media industry, and a hypocritical and racist religious system. Since I was inherently a little lower than white people, I was to accept the way things were and appreciate the few privileges and the rights I did have.Many of my schoolteachers were themselves what we the called "color struck" (they favored fair complexioned black students over the dark-skinned students). When I complained about racism and segregation, they told me, "Just accept and adjust". I was always a little "different" than the average young rural African-American male from the South. I just could not "accept and adjust" to the way things were without feeling angry or making some type of protest. Little did I know that even then, the Holy Spirit was preparing me to write this book and others to serve as instruments of healing. This book is based more upon experience and inspiration than on academic research or study, although a great deal of study has gone into the preparation of this work. This is the hour when God is not only requiring, but is demanding that the Church address and attack the disease of racism that has causes schism and stagnation in the Body. Too much is at stake for the Christian leaders and laypersons to ignore the situation. The crisis warrants an all-out and unified effort to eliminate this spiritual cancer. Brethren are despising brethren, churches are hostile to other churches, and Christians treat one another like enemies - all because of racism. Anyone who reads this book with an open mind and considers what the Holy Spirit has inspired me to write concerning racism will be released completely from bondage of bigotry. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world (1 Corinthians 11:31-32). Oral Roberts declared, "Racism is perhaps one of the most stubborn problems in the American church, with deep historical roots and a variety of subtle expressions." Billy Graham was once asked on a national televised interview, "If you could change any one thing, what would it be?" His answer was racism! With this in view, we shall proceed to unmask and expose the real deceptive forces behind racism in the Church. Our true objective is to see Jesus Christ seated on the throne of each Christian's heart and in the place of preeminence in every local church. When this is finally realized, the darkness and degeneracy of racism in the Church will be no more.
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