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  • Fylo. Engendering Prehistoric 'Stratigraphies' in the Aegean and the Mediterranean: Proceedings of an International Conference, University of Crete, R

Fylo. Engendering Prehistoric 'Stratigraphies' in the Aegean and the Mediterranean: Proceedings of an International Conference, University of Crete, R

Angebote / Angebote:

Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgments Introductory note Abbreviations A. OPENING LECTURE - Liv Helga DOMMASNES , Women in archaeology in Norway : twenty years of gendered archaeological practice and some thoughts about changes to come B. PLENARY SESSION ' A TRIBUTE TO PAUL REHAK: PAST AND PRESENT GENDER ISSUES, A STATE OF ART - Paul REHAK (ed. John YOUNGER), Some unpublished studies by Paul Rehak on gender in Aegean art - Alexandra ALEXANDRI, Envisioning gender in Aegean prehistory - Dimitra KOKKINIDOU and Marianna NIKOLAIDOU, Feminism and Greek archaeology: an encounter long over-due C. WORLDS OF WOMEN, MEN AND BEYOND: GENDER IDENTITIES, ROLES, INTERACTIONS, SYMBOLISMS Cyprus - Diane BOLGER, Beyond male/female: recent approaches to gender in Cypriot prehistory - Giorgos VAVOURANAKIS, A 'speared Aphrodite' from Bronze Age Audemou, Cyprus Jordan - Julia MULLER-CLEMM, Cemetery A of Tell el-Mazar, Jordan. A gender-critical relecture Spain - Paloma GONZALEZ-MARCEN and Sandra MONTON-SUBIAS, Time, women, identity and maintenance activities. Death and life in the Argaric communities of southeast Iberia - Margarita SANCHEZ-ROMERO, Women in Bronze Age southeast Iberian peninsula : daily life, relationships, identities Aegean and the Balkans - Christina MARANGOU, Gendered/sexed and sexless beings in prehistory: readings of the invisible gender Aegean - Louise A. HITCHCOCK, Knossos is burning: gender bending the Minoan genius - Penelope J.P. McGEORGE, Gender meta-analysis of Late Bronze Age skeletal remains: the case of Tomb 2 in the Pylona cemetery on Rhodes - Barbara A. OLSEN, Was there unity in Mycenaean gender practices? The women of Pylos and Knossos in the Linear B tablets - Kim S. SHELTON, Who wears the horns? Gender choices in Mycenaean terracotta figurines - Alexander UCHITEL, The Minoan Linear A sign for 'woman': a tentative identification - Judith WEINGARTEN, The Zakro master and questions of gender - Marika ZEIMBEKI, Gender, kinship and material culture in Aegean Bronze Age ritual D. FORMATION OF PAST GENDER: COMING OF AGE, CHILDHOOD, WOMANHOOD, MOTHERHOOD - Francoise AUDOUZE and Frederic JANNY, Can we hope to identify children's activities in Upper Palaeolithic settlements? - Anne P. CHAPIN, Constructions of male youth and gender in Aegean art: the evidence from Late Bronze Age Crete and Thera - Katerina KOPAKA, Mothers in Aegean stratigraphies? The dawn of ever-continuing engendered life cycles - Maia POMADERE, OA' sont les meres ? Representations et realites de la maternite dans le monde egeen protohistorique - John G. YOUNGER, 'We are woman': girl, maid, matron in Aegean art E. READING AEGEAN GENDER: THROUGH WOMEN'S AND MEN'S EYES - Isabelle BRADFER-BURDET, Phedre ou la Goulue : l'antiquite travestie. Les femmes de l'Age du Bronze mises a nu par les archeologues du XXeme siecle - Gerald CADOGAN, Gender metaphors of social stratigraphy in pre-linear B Crete , or Is 'Minoan gynaecocracy' (still) credible? - Lucy GOODISON, Gender, body and the Minoans: contemporary and prehistoric perceptions - Christine MORRIS, The iconography of the bared breast in Aegean Bronze Age art F. ENGENDERING AEGEAN FIELDWORK: THE CONTRIBUTION OF WOMEN ARCHAEOLOGISTS - Susan Heuck ALLEN, Excavating women: female pairings in early Aegean archaeology (1871-1918) - Anna Lucia D'AGATA, Women archaeologists and non-palatial Greece : a case-study from Crete'of the hundred cities' - Metaxia TSIPOPOULOU, Harriet Boyd's 'granddaughters': women directors of excavations and surveys in Crete at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century
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