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  • German Reader, Level 1 Beginners (A1)

German Reader, Level 1 Beginners (A1)

Angebote / Angebote:

Eine Begegnung im Zug" - Level 1 Beginners: A1 - Novice High, A Short Story for German Learners with Vocabulary Section DEUTSCHE BESCHREIBUNG: Sophie, eine geschwätzige und lebensfreudige Kindergärtnerin aus Frankfurt am Main, will ihre Freundin in Luzern besuchen. Im Zug begegnet Sophie Lukas, einen introvertierten Bankangestellten aus Zürich. Sophie entwaffnet ihn und seine höfliche Distanz mit ihrer Offenheit und Ehrlichkeit. Das anfänglich angenehme Plaudern zwischen zwei Fremden entwickelt sich zur Vertrautheit, die wiederum auch auf die Grenzen der beiden stößt. - Eine spannende Geschichte mit dem Happy End. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: Sophie, a talkative and fun-loving kindergarten teacher from Frankfurt am Main, wants to visit her friend in Lucerne. On the train Sophie meets Lukas, an introverted bank employee from Zurich. Sophie disarms him and his polite distance with her openness and honesty. The initially pleasant chat between two strangers develops into familiarity, which in turn also encounters the limits of the two. - An exciting story with a happy ending. The books from the series German Reader are designed as reading materials that will help students of German language grow their vocabulary and enhance their command of the language. Each book is a short story whose theme, grammar and vocabulary are tailored to a specific study level: Level 1 - Beginners: A1 = Novice High At the end of the book there is a vocabulary section with German-English translations.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


19,90 CHF

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