With a body full of ionized cells, expensive medicine that Medicaid won't cover, and a time-sensitive placement at a halfway house for critically injured felons, can Worm save the city, again, without violating the terms of his probation?" "Visceral and grounded, but with a kind of ineffable strangeness wound into it. Simmons is carving out a space that feels specifically his own." - Brian Evenson Ghosts of West Baltimore is the sequel to Ghosts of East Baltimore (Broken River Books - 2022)" />
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Ghosts of West Baltimore

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Save the Westside, save the world">With a body full of ionized cells, expensive medicine that Medicaid won't cover, and a time-sensitive placement at a halfway house for critically injured felons, can Worm save the city, again, without violating the terms of his probation?" "Visceral and grounded, but with a kind of ineffable strangeness wound into it. Simmons is carving out a space that feels specifically his own." - Brian Evenson Ghosts of West Baltimore is the sequel to Ghosts of East Baltimore (Broken River Books - 2022)
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


24,90 CHF

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