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  • Give the Bitch Her Chocolate: The Feisty Foodie Edition

Give the Bitch Her Chocolate: The Feisty Foodie Edition

Angebote / Angebote:

In the fifth installment of the best-selling BITCH series, each exuberantly vulgar dictum dishes on the delights of chocolate, coffee, and other intoxicating comestibles, and is thoughtfully paired with a fine vintage illustration. GIVE THE BITCH HER CHOCOLATE brings a particularly piquant imperiousness to the table, serving up a feast of edible and potable quoteables from diva-licious dames. These hedonistic heroines bring haute cuisine to a whole new level that's at least as high as their hairdos. GIVE THE BITCH HER CHOCOLATE is the ultimate validation for a favorite foodie, churlish chocoholic, or domestic dominatrix because bitchiness isn't just an attitude--it's a lifestyle.
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19,90 CHF

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