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Angebote / Angebote:

The book, Glory: The Struggle for Yards are stories gathered together to illustrate the unique cultures, history and values that unite people of all races together. It is so much more than a book of facts and individual's personal accomplishments. Glory share stories that include powerful messages that can inspire, teach, and influence others to achieve their goals in life. These stories bring facts to life and have the ability to connect the past with the present. We start with diversity and inclusion by respecting, understanding and appreciating each other's humanities and beliefs and most of all reading to know for your own gratification and personal experiences. These stories promote a positive attitude through football legends hardships, fears and never losing desire for taking care of their families and leaving a legacy for the future generation to understand their challenges, difficulties, misfortune and adversities.We have to remember before writing books, ancestors told stories by cave painting on the wall, as they would blow the paint through hollow bones very similar to today's airbrushing. Campfires was also a form of storytelling performed around an open fire at night and mostly in the wilderness. We see it in today modern campfires stories with Girls Scouts and Boy Scouts of America and even with good old family reunion barbecue in the front or backyard. Glory is a book of legendary football stories that helps us understand our differences in culture with other peoples so that we can connect and communicate in love and make new friends through story telling.
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