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Golden Pens

Angebote / Angebote:

Golden Pens contains, between its pages, the most delicious prose and the most delicious poetry, authored by eighteen writers! About four years ago Jeanette started an email poetry club. It grew to over forty members from several countries. The members were encouraged to try their hand at writing. The contributions were so magnificent that Jeanette decided to publish a collection of their works, so the world could discover them, and sing their praises as well. Delve into poems of love, God, desperation, boats, animals, sunset and sunrise. Stories in prose are so brilliant you will be begging for more. Enjoy, enjoy! I first met Jeanette in 2008 at Prem Nagar Ashram in India. We kept in touch after her return to the United States and she included me in her online Poetry Pals club. She also contributes poems to the Manav Dharam magazine, which have been much appreciated by its international readership. It is a joy each morning to turn on my computer and read her latest offerings. She writes with honesty and humor on every topic under the sun. She has emboldened many a shrinking violet to take up a pen. Under her gentle mentoring, nascent poets and writers have blossomed into confident literary contributors. Golden Pens is an eclectic selection of poems and prose from Poetry Pals writers, edited by SU. Contributors also have provided biographies revealing life struggles. Golden Pens may be the boost needed for their leap into fame. This book marks Jeanette's 90th birthday, and is a fitting tribute to her generous and creative spirit. Helen Clapham, Editor, Manav Dharam magazine Works by-Angie Acosta, Gage Adams, Sharon Leary Baridon, Jeff Biddle, Donna Carey, Nikki Clark, Cindy Garszczynski, Ellen Henry, Chris Jones, Michaela Maya Kraemer, Janice Miraldi, Walter Minning, Bill Sparkman, Pat Fordham Sourant, Marianne Upson, Janet Wagner, Tim Williams, Jeanette Strack-Zanghi.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


26,90 CHF