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Greater Exploits - 16 Featuring - Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in How to Study the Bible, The

Angebote / Angebote:

Greater Exploits 16 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 15 with more details, Featuring - Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in How to Study the Bible, The Normal Christian Life, Spiritual Authority and Submission, Sit, Walk, Stand and The Economy of God ALL-IN-ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits in God! This is an equipping series! Greater Exploits 16 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions:- Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?- Are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually downcast?- Are you up today, and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited, and dispossessed of what rightfully belongs to you or people within your circle?- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that have defied your prayers and prayers of others?- Have you lost something or someone close to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others? So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 16 - Featuring - Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in How to Study the Bible, The Normal Christian Life, Spiritual Authority and Submission, Sit, Walk, Stand and The Economy of God ALL IN ONE PLACE for Greater Exploits in God! This is an equipping series! You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Series to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all realms in Jesus name. True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce your learning and application from over 100 years in the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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