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Angebote / Angebote:

When your past is your worst enemy What do you do? David Lee Hunt Jr. was born and raised in Roanoke, a small city in Virginia. He's been through a lot and all the while he's struggling to succeed. He had an extremely rough childhood and a felonious past. __ What happens when you're handcuffed by actions you can't undo? David used to think he was the only one with a difficult life, but now realizes that a lot of people share a similar past and have struggled through the same situations. __ How do you beat the odds when you've stacked them against yourself? Time is flying by, David is getting older, and many obstacles are preventing him from fulfilling his life. But David has done something completely unexpected, he decided to write a book to help others...and he got it published. __ This is that book.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


7,90 CHF