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Heartbreak House

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Excerpt: be a warning to all of you he goes out through the garden. DUNN. I hope nobody here believes that I am a thief, a pirate, or a murderer. Mrs Hushabye, will you excuse me a moment? I must really go and explain. He follows the captain. MRS HUSHABYE as he goes. It's no use. You'd really better- but Dunn has vanished. We had better all go out and look for some tea. We never have regular tea, but you can always get some when you want: the servants keep it stewing all day. The kitchen veranda is the best place to ask. May I show you? She goes to the starboard door. RANDALL going with her. Thank you, I don't think I'll take any tea this afternoon. But if you will show me the garden- MRS HUSHABYE. There's nothing to see in the garden except papa's observatory, and a gravel pit with a cave where he keeps dynamite and things of that sort. However, it's pleasanter out of doors, so come along. RANDALL. Dynamite! Isn't that rather risky? MRS HUSHABYE. Well, we don't sit in the gravel pit when there's a thunderstorm. LADY UTTERORRD. That's something new. What is the dynamite for? HECTOR. To blow up the human race if it goes too far. He is trying to discover a psychic ray that will explode all the explosive at the well of a Mahatma. ELLIE. The captain's tea is delicious, Mr Utterword. MRS HUSHABYE stopping in the doorway. Do you mean to say that you've had some of my father's tea? that you got round him before you were ten minutes in the house? ELLIE. I did. MRS HUSHABYE. You little devil! She goes out with Randall. MANGAN. Won't you come, Miss Ellie? ELLIE. I'm too tired. I'll take a book up to my room and rest a little. She goes to the bookshelf. MANGAN. Right. You can't do better. But I'm disappointed. He follows Randall and Mrs Hushabye. Ellie, Hector, and Lady Utterword are left. Hector is close to Lady Utterword. They look at Ellie, waiting for her to go. ELLIE looking at the title of a book. Do you like stories of adventure, Lady Utterword?...
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