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Heaven's Destiny

Angebote / Angebote:

Sequel to THE FALLS OF AMARANTH. The trials have not ended for the Cayuse War leader Black Eagle and his beloved wife, the young, white heiress Stephanie Warfield. The mighty and noble Indian commits a cardinal sin, entering into a second union. This would give him far more torment then he had ever imagined nearly to the loss of his one true love. Become absorbed in the warring emotions of this genuinely moving love story.From the very moon that Black Eagle had taken Stephanie Warfield as his wife, her very heart and soul had been devoted to the needs of his tribe. She dearly loved his people and race and all that she had done for them shown just how much.A white woman of much wealth and power, she had enabled the introduction of many things that otherwise would have remained unknown to them.A schoolhouse had been erected on their land in which the Cayuse people had begun to learn more of the ways of whites. There they were discouraged of warring with other tribes, an ancient, all engaging pasttime. There, they were even taught the finer things of life, of music and the arts.In addition, Black Eagles wife wished to see the erection of a mission. A place in which to teach the Cayuse people of the ways of the Lord, never discouraging their own beliefs, which she now held sacred.Indeed, she loved her new life and found it very rewarding, even as more and more her Indian husband was becoming displeased. Stephanie flees to her mansion at Silver Falls as the two temporarily go their own way.Black Eagle resumes his role as War leader of the Cayuse, leading raids against their arch enemy, the Paiute. Stephanie is soon kidnapped by a ruthless trapper and traded to this enemy, the Paiute.Held captive for many, many months unbeknownst to Black Eagle makes Stephanie uncertain of ever seeing her beloved husband again. Uncertain of her husbands love or acceptance of her after so long away, uncertain as well of the strength of this second union, Stephanie and Black Eagle find that just as their unearthly love had endured so many trials, so had it this. Such was the strength of their mysteriously powerful union. It was all consuming. It was timeless.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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