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Her War

Angebote / Angebote:

A nurse administers anesthetic with the aid of a flashlight as snipers try to pick off members of a U.S. surgical team in Algiers. One member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots tows targets for U.S. antiaircraft trainees, while another test flies repaired military aircraft in Texas. Another American woman in the Philippines smuggles food and medicine to prisoners who survived the Death March on Bataan. In Her War, American women tell the personal, largely unknown stories of their experiences serving their country in World War II. These are not reminiscences recalled through the 60-year haze of memory. These narratives carry the immediacy of the moment, recounted as they occurred or shortly after the war. The women's courage, endurance, and humor shine throughout these first hand dramas. Her War is a verbal quilt of American women's contributions in World War II.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


28,90 CHF

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