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  • Hidden Things We Did Not Know

Hidden Things We Did Not Know

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Terrence discovered that when analyzed, scripture verses that bible teachers use to claim that day begins at sunset, show that the light that God called day, does not begin at sunset. Though they claim that night comes first, and day comes after, God's covenant puts, day first, followed by night after. God said that His covenant with day and night can never be broken. There are many instances where Bible teachers tell us a completely different thing, from what the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah teach.Does the Jewish Torah or the Christian Bible teach that God gave Moses two different calendars, one calendar to use when locating and celebrating the feasts of Leviticus 23:4-44, and a different calendar to use when locating and celebrating the feasts of Leviticus 23:2-3?This document reveals the mystery why Israelites, Jews, and some Christians, use the calendar that God gave Moses when they are locating and celebrating the feast of Leviticus 23:4-44, but a different calendar, when they are locating and celebrating the feast of Leviticus 23-2-3.Contained in this short presentation, are hidden things that give a different perspective to Theological and Astronomical scholarships.His other book, "You Have Heard", treats each topic with greater detail, and takes us deeper into other hidden things that Theologians, Doctors of Divinity, Scientists, and most people, never knew.
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