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Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Primarily, it is the gift of nature to the mankind. The consumption of energy is directly proportional to the progress of mankind. The current energy needs are, however, very much dependent on nuclear and fossil-fuel power [1, 2]. Nowadays, due to heavy industrialization, increase in population, present fossil fuels will not last more than few decades to supply the demand of electric power. Major sources of energy for our requirement in India are non-renewable sources of energy like coal, petroleum, natural gas, water, nuclear and wind. At present, most of the research is focusing on fossil fuels for our energy requirements. Combustion of fossil fuels emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Global warming is a direct consequence of the accumulation of greenhouse gases. Every year the energy demand is constantly increasing, mainly, due to the increase in transportations. Moreover, the figure1.1clarifies the future energy demand in account of considering the population and economic growth by an individual and Nations. As a result of this, at the year 2035 the energy required would cross 700 quadrillion BTU (British Thermal Unit equivalent to ~2.19 x 10-14Mtoe). The electricity plays an important role. It is produced by mainly hydro and thermal power. Thermal power plants utilizes fuels mainly like coal and nuclear energy. The scarcity of fuels and pollution make us to more concerns about adopting renewable energy sources like tidal, wind and solar energy Internal combustion engines are a major source of CO2 emission. In today's life, b industrial appliances use Alessandro Volta in 1800 the energy is stored in the and wherever it is needed also termed as galvanic because their free energy 2 bal energy demand (source: EIA, Energy ou table A2) energy will be the greatest challenge for hum ard, solar, wind, hydrothermal, geothermal, nu idered. Among them, fuel cells, convert ch ergy are environmentally friendly. Electrica energy sources must be stored for continuou ergy storage devices, among them, batter ttention due to their higher power and energy batteries play an important role as many batteries as their power source. It was fir 0. Batteries are electrochemical storage devi e form of chemical potential difference and u d.
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