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  • Historia de una Cautiva = The Thrall's Tale

Historia de una Cautiva = The Thrall's Tale

Angebote / Angebote:

The Thralls Tale is a masterpiece of historical fiction that follows Katla, a slave, her daughter Bibrau, and their mistress Thorbjorg, a prophetess of the Norse god Odin, as they navigate the stormy waters of love, revenge, faith, and deception in the Viking Age settlements of tenthcentury Greenland. Lindberghs lyrical prose captures the tenuousness of lives led on the edge of the known world, the pain of loyalties shattered by Christian conversion, and the deepest desires hidden in the human heart. A book that has appeal for readers of fantasy and romance as well as historical and literary fiction, The Thralls Tale is an absorbing cultural saga researched and written over ten years as Lindbergh immersed herself in the literature, artifacts, and landscape of her characters lives and world.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


34,90 CHF