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  • How to Master Reading... in 7 Easy Steps

How to Master Reading... in 7 Easy Steps

Angebote / Angebote:

¿ 1 GRADE-LESS "SMART-UP" BOOK to ACE the BASICS... for All Abilities/Ages 2-92 (Pre-K thru High School/Adult levels)... To help parents & teachers most quickly & easily explain the complete beginning-advanced TOTAL PHONIC READING METHOD in 7 simple building steps (which makes fantastic phonic readers) + become experts in beginning-advanced basics of spelling, writing/grammar & math. Every child get ahead & every adult catch up in basics.(Other books are just beginning reading levels. This book explains the entire pre-k beginning-advanced levels of phonic reading, spelling, writing & math basics). ¿ BEST BOOK OF BASICS... HOME/SCHOOL HELPER: A COMMON-SENSE, clear, concise, organized grade-less method to learn by concept for home/school... the way learning should be with easy explanations for a fine foundation of a classical education. Simple BUILD-UP steps to LEARN-UP gets the job of basics done to excel well in school/life. ¿ PROBLEM: America was once #1 in reading/math in the world. No longer. As computers & new methods entered lower grades, America fell to 25th in reading & 30th in math. Today, 2/3 of 8th grade students are below level in reading/math. WHY? In schools students learn slow "dumb-down" methods of details only, scattered by "learn-by-grade" into many books and slow online learning. Result: Less learning. When basics are missed, problems exist. Today, many 17-year-olds (after 13 years of school) can't read, write, spell or do math well. ¿ SOLUTION: Grade-less learning by concept and fitting of details into a BIG PICTURE of phonics (or any subject) in the least time, effort and cost is faster, easier, better than slow "learn-by-grade details only"... to understand the "reasoning" behind how words work to be phenomenal phonic readers... who can read/spell over 90% of 600, 000+ possible words in the English language... to ROAR (Reason-Out-All-Reading) and SOAR (Sound-Out- All-Reading)... to be WOW (Wizards-of-Words) like pros! Use as the only method or to supplement/improve other methods. Weak readers (and everyone) need to go back to the beginning to see what is missed and see/learn all 7 steps of the BIG PICTURE of reading + the BIG PICTURES of Spelling, Writing/Grammar, Math. ¿ TREASURED MASTER KEY EACH GENERATION NEEDS TO HELP LEARN CONCEPTS: Each time the Inventors of Total Phonic Reading, Alph & Bet, ran out of words they invented a new rule to make more words until all words in the world were invented with 7 easy essential rules to reason-out words. Now Alph & Bet's 7 lost secrets, now finally found, are the MASTER KEY to ACE BASICS. When talking begins, learning letters/sounds can also begin. Ages 2-8 excel by age 8. Weak readers (8+) can quickly catch-up. 10-year-olds can read beyond HS level. Remedial students and adults can quickly catch up in basics. Practice reading 10/20 min/day stories/books of choice. Alph & Bet are Home/School tutors and best friends of anyone needing to learn to read. ¿ WITH READING YOU ALWAYS HAVE A FRIEND... NEVER ALONE
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