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I Like Me

Angebote / Angebote:

self-help book Feeling imprisoned by unattainable standards, judgments and comparisons distorting your self-image? Exhausted chasing externally defined metrics of achievement, belongings, social media influence or bucket list adventures hoping to finally feel "enough"? Yet the more life highlight reels you anxiously scroll, the deeper FOMO inadequacy takes hold... Our culture's models of success exacerbate depression through illusion that happiness resides perpetually over the horizon of more clout, wealth and experiences if we just worker harder. But emerging science and psychology research now confirms that relentlessly pursuing perfectionism fuels anxiety and emotional repression rather than uncovering deeper fulfillment. The way out? Learning radical self-acceptance exactly as you are in this moment as the path to tapping inner wisdom and belonging. Beyond surface accomplishments or appearances. This book guides readers to override sabotaging 'never good enough' stories and drop the exhausting act by: Part 1: Examining Costs of Perfectionism We explore the darker realities behind chasing unrealistic standards including: Linking self worth to productivity and accomplishments Harshly criticizing oneself for any imperfections Overfunctioning and people pleasing trying to earn conditional approval How early emotional neglect and conditional bonding breeds self-judgment Perfectionism fueling anxiety, addiction, disordered eating and depression Fear of failure preventing fulfilling creative risks and connections Part 2: The Power of Self-Acceptance Next we highlight research on how self-compassion boosts mental health and why we all deserve to care gently for ourselves by: Looking at self-acceptance as the bedrock for fulfillment Building skills to nurture our inner experience beyond judgment Releasing shame, control or numbing patterns around unavoidable 'flaws' Giving ourselves permission to rest and play rather than perpetually 'prove' worth Quieting toxic inner voices shaped during childhood that diminish our light Part 3: Unlearning Perfectionism Through Embodiment & Play Finally, we share practices for embracing imperfection and getting creative with self-care like: Identifying underactive aspects of self craving expression Redefining self-care as accepting rather than fixing/critiquing Making peace with mistakes through playful experimentation Immersing in activities purely for enjoyment versus productivity Noticing sensory beauty in overlooked everyday moments The book shares psychological insights, journaling prompts, embodiment exercises and practical lifestyle tips to... Help readers release the heaviness of perfectionism programming Find authentic community beyond chasing external validation Reframe growth towards self-acceptance and self-trust Activate creative purpose by courageously sharing one's distinctive soul gifts The goal? Steps for escaping perfectionism's imaginary hamster wheel gauging human value by impossible standards...and landing securely inward to access innate wisdom and worthiness already here. Waiting patiently for us to relax into belonging exactly as we are!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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