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I Love You

Angebote / Angebote:

Contents: There is a Lady Sweet and Kind - Anonymous, From a Lady to a Gentleman, in Answer to a Complimentary Copy of Verses - Anonymous, A Cheerful Tempered Lover's Farewell to His Mistress Joanna - Baillie, A Sonnet - Francis Beaumont, Song - Aphra Behn, The One Before the Last - Rupert Brooke, Memory - William Browne of Tavistock, Song - William Browne of Tavistock, How Do I Love Thee? - Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Love in life - Robert Browning, My Bonnie Mary - Robert Burns, A Red, Red Rose - Robert Burns, So We'll Go No More a-Roving - Lord Byron, She Walks in Beauty - Lord Byron, Cherry-Ripe - Thomas Campion, The Unfading Beauty - Thomas Carew, Ask me, Lesbia - Catullus, 'Why Do I love' You, Sir? - Emily Dickinson, The Good Morrow - John Donne, The Sun Rising - John Donne, Song - John Donne, The Triple Fool - John Donne, To His Coy Love - Michael Drayton, How Many Paltry Foolish Painted Things - Michael Drayton, To One that Asked Me Why I Loved - J. G., Ephelia - Lady Mary Villiers, To Plead My Faith - Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, To a Lady Asking Him How Long He Would Love Her - Sir George Etherege, Beauty Clear and Fair - John Fletcher, Wooing Song - Giles Fletcher, Why, My Heart - W. E. Henley, To Anthea, Who May Command Him Anything - Robert Herrick, The Night-Piece: To Julia - Robert Herrick, To Electra - Robert Herrick, Time of Roses - Thomas Hood, Jenny Kiss'd Me - Leigh Hunt, To Celia - Ben Jonson, Cards and Kisses - John Lyly, Rosaline Thomas Lodge, , , , To Amarantha, That She Would Dishevel Her Hair - Richard Lovelace, To Lucasta, Going to the Wars - Richard Lovelace, The Scrutiny - Richard Lovelace, Love Unkind - Isabel Ecclestone Mackay, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love - Christopher Marlowe, To His Coy Mistress - Andrew Marvell, I'll Never Love Thee More - James Graham, Beauty Bathing - Anthony Munday, I Do Not Love Thee - Caroline Norton, Rondel - Charles d'Orleans, A Love Symphony - A. W. E. O'Shaughnessy, The Enchantment - Thomas Otway, What Cunning Can Express - Edward de Vere, Love and Age - Thomas Love Peacock, Phillida and Coridon - Nicholas Breton, The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd - Sir Walter Raleigh, The Ripest Peach - James Whitcomb Riley, A Song of a Young Lady to Her Ancient Lover - John Wilmot, Love from the North - Christina Rossetti, Phyllis is My Only Joy - Sir Charles Sedley, To Celia - Sir Charles Sedley, Sonnet XVIII - William Shakespeare, Sonnet LVII - William Shakespeare, Sonnet LXXV - William Shakespeare, Sonnet CXXX - William Shakespeare, Sonnet XCI - William Shakespeare, Sonnet CXLI - William Shakespeare, The Indian Serenade - Percy Bysshe Shelley, Love's Arithmetic - Sir Edward Sherburne, Had I a Heart for Falsehood Framed - Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Cupid, Because Thou - Sir Philip Sidney, I Prithee Send Me Back My Heart - Sir John Suckling, Out Upon It, I Have Lov'd - Sir John Suckling, When, Dearest, I but Think of Thee - Sir John Suckling, Tides - Sara Teasdale, Arbor Amoris - François Villon, Go, Lovely Rose - Edmund Waller, To Phyllis - Edmund Waller, The Self Banished - Edmund Waller, Against Indifference - Charles Webbe, The Je Ne Scai Quoi - William Whitehead, I Loved a Lass - George Wither, A Complaint - William Wordsworth, Rondeau - Sir Thomas Wyatt, Sonnet - Sir Thomas Wyatt
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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