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I Shed Two Tears

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JOB LOSS, STAGE THREE BREAST CANCER, AND 14 MONTHS OF CHEMOTHERAPY COULD NOT BREAK SUE MARTIN'S POSITIVE SPIRIT. THIS IS HER INSPIRATIONAL SURVIVAL STORY. I Shed Two Tears and kicked it with attitude is an inspiring true story of surviving and thriving cancer during the Great Recession. Job loss, stage three cancer, 14 months of chemotherapy, while navigating a new job, were challenges, not obstacles. Sue Martin not only survived, but she also thrived in her new environment and beat all of the odds stacked against her. A healthy dose of laughter and positive thinking were the keys to success. This is a story of never giving up, and always seeing the bright side to moving forward. Excellent pearls of wisdom for crisis survival.ExcerptAfter thoroughly explaining the extensive list of upcoming medical procedures from mastectomy, to chemo, to radiation, and finally reconstruction, Dr. Kurtzhals routinely inquired "Do you have any questions for me?"Yes, how soon after the mastectomy can I go back to work?"She laughed and said "With your attitude, five to seven days. The poor woman who just left my office was sobbing and wanted 20-22 weeks off from work. She's going to have a very long road ahead of her."Great, because I had an interview a week ago and I feel pretty confident about it. If they offer me the job, I want to start working as soon as possible."Yes, I will kick it with my attitude, I thought to myself. She assured me that my approach would ensure a technical knockout with several rounds of chemo cocktails and a few weeks at the tanning salon, my pet name for the radiation lab. For me, joking about the plethora of treatments, kept my spirits up. My laughter put people at ease, and put their tears at bay-- most of the time.Praise for I Shed Two Tears "Sue is a remarkable lady who inspired me from the moment she shared her story...I will be one of the first to read her book as I know it will be filled with brilliance on how to beat cancer with a positive outlook surrounded by humor and passion for life."-Phil Molyneux, former President and COO, Sony Electronics "... Everyone who reads I Shed Two Tears will come out the better. It is not only for those who are currently in the fight of their life, but also for their caregivers. So much insight to be learned by us all...."-Shaunna Tafelski "Sue Martin was my patient...She accepted her diagnosis with a positive attitude and jumped on board to focus on her treatment plan. Sue moved forward with life by starting a new job just weeks after her mastectomy."-Dr. Jyoti Arya, M.D., Reconstructive Surgeon "Brave: adj. /brav/ ready to face and endure danger or pain, showing courage. Synonyms: valiant, heroic, lionhearted, bold, fearless, gallant, courageous, undaunted, Sue Martin..."-Donna Johnson
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