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Ice: 1986-2007

Angebote / Angebote:

Ice features fifty-eight of Lynn Davis's stunning images of the Jakobshavn Glacier facing Disko Bay in Greenland, which she captured over a twenty-year period beginning in 1986. Whether they take the shape of spires, arches, or cliffs, each formation captures what Davis refers to as the "changing alchemy of ice and water that created such monolithic forms." Over time, the glacier has retreated, and so too have the icebergs, reminding us that nature as we have know it and taken for granted is now disappearing faster than we had ever imagined. It is Davis's hope that "by witnessing and recording such transcendent phenomena that it is not too late to change what now seems like an irreversible fate.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


65,00 CHF