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  • Imperial Germany's "Iron Regiment" of the First World War: War Memories of Service with Infantry Regiment 169 1914 - 1918 Second Edition

Imperial Germany's "Iron Regiment" of the First World War: War Memories of Service with Infantry Regiment 169 1914 - 1918 Second Edition

Angebote / Angebote:

Imperial Germany's "Iron Regiment" of the First World War offers a rare English-language account of a premier German infantry unit. Renowned as the Iron Regiment for its fighting record in the legendary 1916 Battle of the Somme, its service spanned from WW I's earliest battles through its destruction by US Marines in the Argonne Forest in the war's final days. Inspired by a wartime journal written by the author's grandfather, an IR 169 veteran, much of the book is drawn from rare soldier accounts, many published here for the first time in English. The voice of these soldiers take us into the other side of the trenches and through the unimaginable horrors of the First World War. This second edition adds over 100 pages of text, maps, and pictures to the original publication. "An excellent writing looking at WW 1 from a German soldier's perspective. I highly recommend it to everyone interested in learning more about the Great War." Gerald York, Colonel (Ret), US Army Grandson of Sergeant Alvin York, famed US Army WW I Medal of Honor Recipient "This book stands head and shoulders above previously published unit histories and should not be ignored for its substantial value in providing the whole picture of many of the war's landmark battles." Roads to the Great War "War histories of German regiments during either the First or Second World War are comparatively rare, and this book is a welcome addition." Britain at War Magazine "A complete lifecycle account of a German regiment for the duration of the First World War, and so a rare contribution to those wishing to see the war from the German perspective." Great War Society ---------------- The author, John K. Rieth, is a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel with a lifelong interest in military history. He is the author of Patton's Forward Observers: The History of the 7th Field Artillery Battalion and is a member of the US Army Historical Foundation and the Western Front Association.
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