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  • Indirect Rapid Manufacturing of Silicon CarbideComposites

Indirect Rapid Manufacturing of Silicon CarbideComposites

Angebote / Angebote:

The applications of SLS, like many other rapidprototyping technologies, are limited by theproperties of commercially available materials. Thepowdered materials that have been demonstratedinclude polymer blends and polymer binder systemsthat produce porous parts. Despite advantages in material stiffness, fabricationchallenges limit the use of particulate reinforcedcomposites. In this dissertation a new binder for SLS processingis developed along with strategies for machining, polymer infiltration and metal infiltration of theporous preforms. Where material properties areestablished after SLS processing the overall processis called, "indirect." Examined together, theseprocesses form a fabrication method that improves thematerial set available for rapid manufacturing andalso provides a means of forming parts fromparticulate reinforced composites.The concurrent development of a company and fundingfrom a Texas Technology Development and TransferGrant and the NCIIA made technology transfer aninherent part of this project.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


107,00 CHF