The "why" of your message should be the beginning, the thread, and the closure of everything you say and publish. To achieve this, you must ask yourself these questions: what do I want to say? Why do I want to say it? And... most importantly: what do I want to say it for? All this and more awaits you with INFLUENCER: Communication for Leaders in the Digital Age." />
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Angebote / Angebote:

INFLUENCER: Communication for Leaders in the Digital Age. This is an invitation, including a wake-up call, to rethink the power of conscious and positive influence. Influence is not an exclusive profession of the so-called "influencers", "content creators" of social networks, which companies seek to market their products. Just as conscious leadership seeks to focus more on people than on results, on the "who" rather than on the "how", now we must aim towards a conscious influence, focused on adding value, under this premise: It is about "them", "not about "you". Conscious influence is aimed at influencing through purposeful communication, aimed at transforming, inspiring and motivating change and the continuous development of people. Not to be swept away by the overwhelming trend of decadent communication that gives the power of influence to: - People who only love themselves and money - Pretentious, arrogant, daring, ungrateful leaders, without faith and without love - Implacable, those who like to practice bullying - harassment - and slander - Those who do not have self-control or emotional intelligence - Someone aggressive, not loyal, or prudent > The "why" of your message should be the beginning, the thread, and the closure of everything you say and publish. To achieve this, you must ask yourself these questions: what do I want to say? Why do I want to say it? And... most importantly: what do I want to say it for? All this and more awaits you with INFLUENCER: Communication for Leaders in the Digital Age.
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