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  • Innerstaatliche Gewaltenteilung und vorvertragliche Pflichten bei völkerrechtlichen Verträgen

Innerstaatliche Gewaltenteilung und vorvertragliche Pflichten bei völkerrechtlichen Verträgen

Angebote / Angebote:

»Domestic Separation of Powers and Precontractual Obligations. The Tension Between the Interim Obligation and the Provisional Application of Treaties on the One Hand and Domestic Separation of Powers on the Other Hand«: Even before a treaty enters into force there can be legal obligations arising from its provisional application or the interim obligation. If the government triggers these obligations without the parliamentary participation required for the conclusion of the treaty, there is tension between public international and constitutional law. The book analyzes this tension and the possible solutions.
Libri-Titel folgt in ca. 2 Arbeitstagen


127,00 CHF