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Inside Out

Angebote / Angebote:

Inside Out- Final Conflict is the third book in a trilogy that focuses on holding governments accountable. Domestic and foreign governments absorb countries to become super powers that wield nuclear weapons as tools for imperialistic motives. Jeff and Ann develop what the Department of Homeland Security describes as a super weapon of mass destruction and removes all stops to acquire Seeker for Homeland Security's' use as an offensive weapon. Ann, with her daughters, Annie and Hope, redefine Seeker and the system becomes Destiny, the 'new sheriff in town'. Destiny is selectively used to stop world aggression resulting in Homeland Security relentlessly pursuing Ann and Jeff once again to steal the Seeker weapon. Homeland Security agents drive through the Academy fences crushing Jeff and Ann under the weight of the fence and vehicle while a second vehicle drives through another fence section and kills three Academy children and two parents. The Homeland Security agents make no apologies and hold themselves to be above the law when they act in the name of national security. Jeff and Ann survive and bring an end to world aggression and imperialism by all of the superpowers. Destiny temporarily shuts down the Internet and email capabilities while she uploads herself into the Internet and every computer that accesses the Internet. The seed for further action is planted with the hope that all countries will begin to respect the rights and liberties of other countries. If not, then Destiny will be back.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,90 CHF

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