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Inside Out

Angebote / Angebote:

From the INTRODUCTION BY OWEN RENIK, MD: The best short story writers engage you in a way that makes you, without realizing it, eager to learn what will happen next-and then, ultimately, surprise you. Irene Cairo is one of them. Her stories are page turners. They're suspenseful, but not because they are action packed in the traditional sense. They move right along. partly because of the fluidity of Cairo's prose and partly because of her wonderful ear for internal monologue. INSIDE-OUT: Intimate Voices Irene Cairo These stories evolved over many years and thus reflect very different moments and moods. Some are light and funny. Some are dramatic, even tragic. But I do trust that the beginning paragraphs of each, will give some idea of the road ahead. I wish I could dialogue with each of you readers. I invite you to dialogue with me in the imagination. -IC.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


34,90 CHF

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