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Inspired: Unlocking Your Creativity

Angebote / Angebote:

As you stroll through the pages of Inspired: Unlocking your creativity, you'll be challenged to stretch your creativity to new levels. You'll be encouraged, if for some reason you think God left the creative bone out of your body. You'll gain knowledge about how creativity actually works. You'll gather ideas that may open a whole new area of ministry possibilities for you. And, most importantly, you'll be inspired to use your creativity to glorify the Creator God who gave it to you in the first place.A host of amazing kidmin have contributed to the content--people from different size churches, from big cities and small towns, and from all over the country (and outside of it). They have lots to share! Be ready to jot notes in the margins, because you'll be inspired as you read. God's going to use your creativity to shake things up!
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27,90 CHF