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Into Darkness

Angebote / Angebote:

Some would say that Andi was a thief and a con artist. Some who were a little more generous would say she was a spirited young storyteller who didn't possess a firm understanding of the law. Regardless of how they chose to see her, many expected that she would soon find herself in the terminal sort of trouble. However, nobody predicted Rhone. When Andi stole from the cloaked stranger with the golden ring, she had no idea that she would be whisked away into a world she hadn't known existed. Now far from home and faced with prejudice, political intrigue, and family secrets, her very survival depends on her ability to adapt. As she learns how to exist in this new environment and how to trust those who call her a friend, she must answer one question: Is there anything worth more than survival?
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


52,50 CHF