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Irrecocilable Differences Leaders Guide

Angebote / Angebote:

This the first of a three book small group/classroom study series based on the reference book, Between Two Breaths, the seasons of creation by Mr. Shupe. This 550 page reference book is extensive and well documented with over 400 plus references. For the Christian faith community, the creation story begins with Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning. . ." The science community, on the other hand, cites a single moment when the first indication of life occurred. But what was happening in the instant before either of these took place? Moving to the end of the timeline, humanity is faced with a similar quandary: What happens the instant after Christ returns at the end of days, or as science postulates, the Extinction Event? ¿¿¿Throughout this study, you will be considering things that do not necessarily fit the traditional faith or scientific explanations you may have been previously taught. For example, you will be asked to accept this premise: that before all the formless void spoken of in Scripture - or the scientific explanation of life's origins - something was already there. The simple act of entertaining this thought can change your perspective as it pertains to Scripture and science - it can also drive you insane if you dwell on it. My purpose in writing this study is to provide the Christian audience with "food for thought" regarding difficult questions that can arise in discussions with a non-believer, specifically as it relates to Christian beliefs and the scientific/naturalist community. While there can be vast differences of opinion separating us, an open mind leads to open dialogue. Such a discussion can only move forward with questions and observations. The faith-based explanation has roots in Scripture, while the scientific explanation will always follow the scientific method. We can examine these two viewpoints more closely by addressing the content and questions posed in this study.
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