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Isaac's Memories

Angebote / Angebote:

1918: Isaac Hopkins is shipped back to America to recover from his wounds sustained in the First World War. He is instantly attracted to Elizabeth Bennett, one of the Red Cross nurses who cares for him and, to his delight, friendship quickly grows between them. Determined to find out more about her Isaac discovers that he is not alone in being affected by the war and that Nurse Bennett holds a deep and haunting fear. As Isaac's feeling grow for his nurse events conspire to drive them apart, and Isaac and Elizabeth must come to terms with the fact they may never meet again. Eventually Isaac is left with just his memories of the woman who made such a deep impression on him, memories which for a while sustain him until he can move on with his life. A chance meeting six years later rekindles Isaac's feelings for Elizabeth. He learns that she is trapped by her sense of responsibility, duty and her own marriage and that she has changed since they last met. Embarking on a passionate affair Isaac attempts to make Elizabeth happy: however, their affair brings to light a long hidden secret that will have devastating consequences upon them and the lives of those around them. "Isaac's Memories" is a story of great love and loss, and of truth and betrayal. Told by Isaac himself he recounts the course of their relationship, from his first meeting with Elizabeth through to the final shattering events that alter the course of their lives irrevocably. Passionate and intense, it is the story of a man's love for a woman and all the agony and joy that accompanies it.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF