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Israel's Messiah

Angebote / Angebote:

For most of church history, the Catholic dogma of the Trinity has supplanted the original Jewish understanding of God's incarnation in the Messiah that was taught in the New Testament Scriptures. But the Jews were never trinitarian in their understanding of Yahweh's self-revelation. So, why is the evangelical Christian church described as trinitarian in her orthodoxy? The forgotten reality is that the Messiah Jesus and his apostles were Jewish and would have understood the nature of God exactly as Moses and the prophets had. They knew Yahweh as a single person Deity. Therefore, whenever Jesus or the apostles would speak of God or his Spirit, they would never deviate from that Mosaic understanding. And so, when we read of the gospel being presented to the Gentiles in the book of Acts, there is no introduction or controversy about the idea of the Trinity at all. This book will argue for the pure scriptural revelation of the Christology that the Jewish apostles proclaimed and defended, and will provide a definitive refutation of the Catholic fiction by appealing to the verbalized convictions and assertions of Moses and the prophets, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Jewish apostles, which cannot sustain the Trinity.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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