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It's in You

Angebote / Angebote:

The message is simple - God designed for you to be great, but He has left it up to you! He has given you authority over your circumstances and outcomes, that all God will achieve through your life will be in partnership with you. Greatness is all of God's beautiful potentials that you can realize, all the beautiful heights you can ascend and the rich depths you can descend. But there is a path to it, there's a price for it, and that's your part. To some extent, everyone's future is predictable, because the path they follow today determines the destination where they alight tomorrow. Today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday. Today is a reflection of how you handled yesterday, tomorrow shall be an indicator of how you are handling today. The fingers point at you! This book is a mobile reminder to have you take responsibility, to have you show up and let God showcase what He has invested in your life!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


12,90 CHF