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  • Jeff Buckley: Mystery White Boy Blues

Jeff Buckley: Mystery White Boy Blues

Angebote / Angebote:

Jeff Buckley's doe-eyed good looks and exceptional musicianship made him a Gen X poster boy and the object of reverent admiration from rock's aristocracy. His ethereal yet powerful voice forever changed the landscape of popular music, and his short but intensely lived life has crystallized into an enduring rock'n'roll legend. "Jeff Buckley" explores the rocker's life and legacy in unprecendented detail. It recounts his self-described "trailer trash" upbringing and long years of hand-to-mouth struggle through his emergence as the most acclaimed singer/songwriter of the mid-1990s and the preliminary recording sessions for his never-completed second album. More than a decade after his tragic accidental death, Buckley's myth has lost none of its potency. Steeped in melancholia and excess, his story is retold here through the memories of those who knew him best, making "Jeff Buckley" a captivating narrative of rock'n'roll dreams, burning ambition, and doomed youth.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


28,50 CHF

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