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Journey Through the Word: GOD's Story from Genesis to Esther

Angebote / Angebote:

Have you ever picked up the Bible and felt like you did not know where to start? Maybe you flipped through the pages only to be overwhelmed trying to understand it all. If this is you, then you are not alone! Many Christians of all ages have experienced these same feelings. In this inspiring book, author Johannah Highhouse presents a resource to help you on your journey of in-depth biblical study. Journey Through the Word: GOD's Story from Genesis to Esther is the first volume in a compelling series that explores each book of the Bible in a simplified, easy-to-understand format. This study takes the complicated portions of Scripture and explains them in a way that the common person can understand and apply them. It is especially helpful for new believers or those who do not have a strong background in Biblical teaching, yet it contains meat (in bite-sized, well-marinated pieces) for the more seasoned believer as well! Come weep beside Sarah as she mourns her childless life only to be shocked as GOD grants her a miracle. Experience the exultation of the Israelites as they leave the land of slavery oblivious to the fact that an even greater obstacle looms before them. Learn of the abundant pictures GOD has designed for New Testament believers nestled in the Tabernacle, the sacrifices, and the feast days. And rejoice in the mercy of a GOD Who does not cast off His people forever but redeems them from the consequences of their own sin as they return to Him. May this journey through the Bible inspire you to know GOD more and grow in your adoration for the One Who loves you and gave Himself for you! Johannah Highhouse is a pastor's wife in NE Pennsylvania. She and her husband have four precious children. In addition to homeschooling and leading their church's ladies Bible study, Johannah is also a piano teacher. She delights in making music hands-on and enjoyable for her students. She loves learning new things and can often be caught delving into another how-to-course! Some of her favorite hobbies are crocheting, hand-lettering, and journaling. GOD has given her a specific passion for taking the complicated portions of Scripture and making them understandable to the common person. She desires to use the gifts GOD has given her to further the cause of CHRIST and impact the lives of others.
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