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Just Diagnosed

Angebote / Angebote:

This book chronicles one woman's quest to confront head-on and navigate her way for the first-time as she is thrust onto an abrupt, untimely, unwanted and unexpected road having been just diagnosed with an illness-breast cancer. Written from the heart this road-map will guide you, step-by-step, addressing questions you may never thought in your lifetime you'd have to ask or think about. It will provide you resources, definitions, and check-lists on what you may expect, need to know, and do next-from your initial diagnosis of breast cancer to how to best make the difficult decisions ahead, you may have to face. It will address with incredible candor topics you are likely to encounter on the road ahead but may be too ashamed and embarrassed to talk about. Through mini-stories and commentary meant to educate, inspire, and empower, in a light heartedly way this book with a sense of humor will tackle this very intimate disease. As this year ahead will require you to put steadily one foot in front of the other, you will discover for yourself, by owning your diagnosis you have the power to choose a positive attitude, face adversity with fearlessness and not be held captive by your circumstances. And while your family, friends, work colleagues, furry pals, healthcare team and those most amazing breast friends stand by you, you will find the answers you need by seeking out information, using your heart to guide you, your intuition and instinct to keep you on track, while maintaining great courage and strength to thrust you through onto the next step of your journey to recovery and wellness.
Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF